Monday 12 June 2017

This Latest Scientific Poll shows that 96 % of Canadians dislike Trudeau Immensely.

This Latest Scientific  Poll shows that over 96 % of Canadians surveyed "dislike  Justin Trudeau immensely"

This was quite surprising since many recent polls showed that a handful of Canadians say that they believe that Trudeau is doing a wonderful job and has improved Canada's reputation in the World.

This Poll will run for the next 935 days and eventually show how all 36 Million Canadians feel about Justin Trudeau.

You can Vote in this poll located in the Right Side column of this page .....


  1. He is just awful.... How did Canada do this ?

    1. Brainwashing the young with making POT legal and plus gay marriages .. Allowing all these people into Canada over 40,000 and counting so to his next election he's guaranteed more votes in favor to him. All a game play of corruption and the Canadians are paying a huge price!

    2. First you are chosen by a group of very powerful ppl behind the scenes like Soros, the Clintons, the Rothchilds... Then this Canadian media made/raised narcissistic sociopath elitist hired the same propaganda company to run silently in the background as Clinton did, the same company that was later found by the Veritas group to be compliant in damaging Trumps campaign with lies and set ups. Then you use that company to manipulate the population about how bad Harper is and how good the Narcissist is. Next you look at the population and find your best chance at voters, so promise young ppl things that are SJW issues to them like Gay rights and the environment.Then you add pot to the mix b.c that appeals not only to the young but also to most of the population. Next you make the natives think your their best friend and promise them the moon... pretend your native in a past life. Promise minorities and immigrants everything..make them see how open minded you are.become a Muslim b.c then you also get every vote of every fake refugee you or Soros can bring in.Get into bed with the unions, VERY POWERFUL! Make women think your a God (become a feminist)...Appeal to the struggling middle class.. since your a rich pampered 3rd generation elitist you cant really play middle class, but you CAN promise them all kinds of tax incentives ..daycare.. etc.. Then you play how OPEN AND HONEST YOU ARE - the exact opposite of the big bad conservatives. BINGO, your elected, now you can do a piece of every promise and kick the rest under the rug while you continue with your obligations to the shadow world gov by destroying Canada so they can move to the next stage of a North American Union and creating a civil war with all the Muslims you brought in.

    3. Right on. So in your face true. We know the truth hurts at times, but this is the sad truth.

    4. Right on. So in your face true. We know the truth hurts at times, but this is the sad truth.

    5. Before Trudeau there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in

      • All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the
      bible are banned in schools.

      *We must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for
      Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.

      • All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons and other establishments.

      • All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are
      offended by Canadian culture.

      • All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even
      though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.

      • All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do
      their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.

      • All of a sudden the Government of Canada vows to
      prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.

      • All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly
      admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically
      declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are
      determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like

      • All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East
      dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced
      by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

      • All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from fight against ISIS and the middle
      east, giving further rise to ISIS.

      • All of a sudden, a deal with the Syrian Regime after using poison gas on their own people
      and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.

      • All of a sudden Canada APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors
      of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war. THEY perpetrate against our Citizens abroad.

      • All of a sudden, the Canadian Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World
      War I levels. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The
      Air Force is forced to use outdated planes. A further draw down of military personnel is in progress.
      Over 80 million cut from budget.

      • All of a sudden Canada will allow convicted terrorists to keep their acquired Canadian citizenship.

      • All of a sudden there is no money for Canadian poor, disabled
      veterans, jobless Canadians, hungry Canadians, or displaced Canadians
      but there is endless money for Trudeau’s “Syrian refugee”
      resettlement programs.

      • All of a sudden, the most important thing for Trudeau to do after a
      mass killing by Jihadists, is deny the incident.

      All of a sudden, I am sick to my stomach.

    6. Good bye trudeau...your pathetic. thing to happen would be to get rid of uou before election time...theres nothing good anout you. Or your father

  2. He is a Global laughing stock. How embarrassing !

    1. He has a lot money class than Trump and I,am sure he doesn't think global warming is a Chinese hoax. He also hasn't cheated half the population by claiming bankruptcy 11 times and he doesn't have all his money stored off shore and have things manufactured in China. Now, if he does, I will hate him with you!
      So what has happened to the Trump condominium in Toronto "owned by the RUSSIANS" that is bankrupt - with Trump's name on it! Is Canada selling out Canada to the Foreign business men? Be more concerned with that than those poor souls driven from their own country. They don't want to be their, everything is strange,

    2. You're INSANE...
      Global warming is a huge fraud designed to rob wealth from the west.
      It wasn't created by the Chinese, it was 'created' by a megalomaniac, Al Gore, and adopted by the glibalists for their nefarious purposes.
      Justin Trudeau is just a babbling puppet of the NWO.
      Start by being informed rather than opinionayed

  3. We Love him very much here in Saudi Arabia.

    1. ~ Yeah because he sells your country bombs.

    2. You love him so much ... TAKE HIM !

    3. He would prob fit right in your royal family. Invite him to come and stay. He is a fraudster

  4. do not believe this is a real poll ...the liberals are not that intelligent yet will take them another 3 years to catch on to this idiot

    1. I don't like Trudeau, I think he's a globalist traiter but I totally agreewith you about the truth of this poll. These are the kind of articles that give real journalists a bad name.A.K.A Fake News...I wish it was true though.and if I'm wrong which I highly doubt in this case then I will gladly apologize.

  5. Why is he in parliament.He has absolutely no qualifications what so ever.He should be charged and put in jail for what he has done to my country.He is a traitor.How is the rest of parliament has sat back and done nothing about him?

    1. He's been put into this position just like the same way Obama was .. Fraud and all crime corrupted organized ! Canadian's need to protest and get him OUT ALL OF THEM !

  6. How much longer do we have of this nitwit ?

  7. Canada is DOOMED.

  8. Now that I know Soris is involved with him I don't trust him at all. Canada will be ruined.

    1. Yes Soro's and Killery are his best friends and let's not forget New Years he was celebrating with Muslims .. All the signs are coming together is Canada going DOWN... ABSOLUTELY!

  9. I can't believe I voted for this guy what a terrible mistake I made. I am so sorry.

  10. I will never have any use for Trudeau,he is so out of touch with the true hard working back bone of this country

  11. This guy has to be the absolute biggest Loser in the Universe. What the hell was Canada thinking ?

  12. Unfortunate we're paying a huge price till this FROOT LOOP is gone. Next election I highly doubt he will be elected. Higher taxes, allowing everyone into Canada and we support ALL their expenses. Taxpayers barely have enough to feed themselves!

  13. He is more inclined to put Canada into a spiralling deficit then create a better economy keeping our own natural resources moving forward. Canada was built on hard work and a strong working ethic that transcends to all cultures.
    He is also more concerned about the numbers of votes he can get in the future by bringing in 100's of thousands of Muslim immigrants without proper control in vetting them for the safety of true Canadians living here already. This behaviour is creating controversy and upset in all of our Canadian Provinces creating a division and discord for all. Hate is the word that comes to mind, as strong as it sounds. His reckless behaviour and egregious spending habits are making himself look to be both a fool and a traitor to his own country.
    Instead of making a cross Canada trip to further endanger us all he should try to make amends with our Southern counterparts and attend USA's biggest celebration of the Trump Presidency.

  14. 8Jan17
    Turdeau is dangerous to Canada and to the west -- dangerous to Canada because he is allowing an influx of young, soldier age immigrants who have no family with them -- that's NOT an immigration, it is an invasion. Dangerous to the west because those people also threaten all the rest of us and Turdeau is giving these jihad-typical Muslims comfort and aid, a place to gather and plan, without oversight, with hardly any means of tracking these individuals, who already have caused serious offenses on a small scale -- warning demonstrations. How can Canada keep this obvious Pied Piper of chaos in office? Is there any excuse for keeping him in office? Isn't there some way Canada can recall him from office? He is damaging, sabotaging Canada. The Mounties will not be able to keep order when the mass of jihadi this man has allowed to muster in Canada start their attacks. Tolerance is not a virtue when one's very life and way of life and culture and family and the entire civil agreement of society is shredded by religious assassins. Not just Canada, the United States, Australia, Christian enclaves all over the world. Turdeau is bringing the Clash of Civilizations right into the fold of liberty and western law. You must act, Canada. Incise this crypto-Muslim fellow traveler of terroristic anarchy, this collaborator and backstabber, from the body politic. He commits the cardinal sin -- destroying his country's security. He is a Judas, a backstabber, a wastrel, a narcissist, a feckless turncoat, a danger to freedom and the democratic tradition and he has got to be impeached before he does more damage to the security of Canada. I believe that the USA has been betrayed and is still being betrayed in the same way as Canada has been, and for not being a praying man, I thank God there's a new leader coming who sees the danger and the necessary defense. Dog Soldiers of America

  15. Unfortunately history has a way of repeating itself when the young refuse to acknowledge the vary history from which they were to be enlightened. They unfortunately will pay dearly for their omissions. Millennial's will never realize freedom as they will be shackled by misconceptions forced upon them by their deviant educators. For once, I am glad that I am less young.

  16. Trudeau's  Follow Obama "Cloward-Piven Weapon of Mass Destruction"
    Trudeau want to collapse the Canadian economy and destroy this country and it's citizens . It's call “Cloward-Piven” (named after a husband and wife professor team at Columbia). The Cloward-Piven plan involved using spending, entitlements, debt and crisis after crisis to overwhelm the system, distract and overwhelm the citizens, and cause the collapse of Canada. At that point the people would be on their knees begging for big government to save them from drowning. They’d willingly accept a Islamic State without argument or debate under duress.The key is Senate is powerless to stop these tragic events from spiraling out of control. The wide open border is Trudeau “Cloward Piven” ticket to destroy Canada without any need for cooperation from Senate. This is the ultimate WMD- Weapon of Mass Destruction. Anyone can walk across Trudeau wide open border. Thousands of illegal immigrants are walking across the border . This is fact. They are uneducated, desperately poor and speak no English. They will never work in Canada. Trudeau assigns them lawyers with taxpayer money. We spend billions on legal fees and court appearances. They get myriad forms of handouts from taxpayers- food , housing allowances, aid to dependent children, free meals at school, free education, free healthcare…and don’t forget prison and police costs for their crimes. This is the bankruptcy of Canada . This is how you overwhelm the system. This is how you bypass Senate. Why would any sane leader leave our border wide open for attack, invasion, or pandemic? Only a madman would gamble with our lives…our children’s lives…and the entire Canadian economy. Only a madman refuse to guard us against a possible WMD attack that could overwhelm the Canadian economy. Why would PM Justin Trudeau play “Russian Roulette” with the future of our country? Is he unstable? Or is this a purposeful plan? Our PM is clearly reckless, irresponsible, incompetent, unstable, or evil. Regardless of the reason, for the sake of our families, and our physical and economic survival, it’s time to remove Trudeau from office.Now…before it’s too late. Before he gets us all killed by a “Cloward Piven” Weapon of Mass Destruction.

    1. Wow wow well done am I allowed to copy and paste this thank you

  17. The pm is in league with foreign agents affiliated with nazi collaborating muslim brotherhood operatives.

  18. For Canada to survive Trudeau must go immediately

  19. He was much like Obama to the U.S. we could feel our country slipping away and obviously didn't like it.

    1. Obama is one of our best educated Presidents, brilliant, classy, thoughtful, considerate and tried to provide our Country with a very good health care system. Of course, Universal Healthcare is better as it is run by the government and they are not in Business to make a profit. They can negotiate. Insurance companies need big profits since they pay their CEO's 25 million a year. US health care is run by INSURANCE COMPANIES! Where do you think,our problem lies?

  20. Dislike Him, he is regarded as THE MOST HATED MAN IN CANADA, surpassing even the like of Paul Bernardo. Canadians Hate Justin "The JUDAS" So much they are even willing to publically state that they want the Piece of Shit, DEAD.

  21. I have to say I agree with every poster's comments in this thread. We must continue to voice our mistrust, our anger and our disgust with Justin trudeau and try hard to get him completely out of favour so that indeed 99% of Canadians will be sure to elect the conservative government next election. I think we should all print off this entire page of comments and fax or mail or scan it to him personally so he can read how much he is despised. Worse Prime Minister of our country in Canadian history.

  22. Step down Justin Trudeau, you are not Prime Minister Material!!!
    I do not like you! You need to grow up ! This is not a job for a bored Playboy ! We need a Strong caring Prime Minister, and that's not you !
    Go look after your Children!!!
    For God so loved the world,he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life!
    I ask Dear Lord to take the scales off of Justin Trudeau eyes!
    In Jesus name,thank you for loving me Lord Jesus Amen!!!

  23. If you're calling this a "scientific" poll, I'm sure glad you're not working with the folks trying to figure out how to deal with global warming.

  24. It looks like Trumps hatred crossed the border to Canada. Come on you people, have some compassion. You never know when Your family might be,the one in need. I thought we were all finished with hatred towards anyone that is not the same. We are all immigrants!

  25. My friends this is called the NEW WORLD ORDER... and Justin Trudeau is a covert agent of this dark evil plan of destruction of civilisation, occidental culture and all true values that makes this life worthwhile to live and fight for, be inspired and aspire to create and continue to contribute to the betterment of this true paradise the creator have given us to protect and care for.

  26. Trudeau is the terrorists leader. He is determined to destroy canada. The most hated person in Canada. Traitor should be charged with treaon, have his canadian cutzenship stripped and deported straight to GITMO.

  27. Turdeau will go down in history as the most Hated PM that canada everhad,a complete Moron !!

  28. This poll will run for 935 more days?! By then Trudeau will either have run out this shit term, or he'll have been re-elected and by then it'll be too late! Shorten the poll's lifespan so the poll's final results can be published and made public!

