Sunday 11 June 2017

Latest Scientific Poll shows that 98 % of those surveyed "Dislike" Kathleen Wynne Immensely.

This Latest Scientific Poll shows that over 98 % of people surveyed "Dislike" Kathleen Wynne "Immensely"

This may have something to do with the absolute mess of Ontario Hydro and the fact that people can no longer afford to heat their homes or buy food.  With the coming Carbon Tax I am sure her Poll numbers are sure to drop. At least to 2 %

You can take this poll at right side column of this page and will run for the next 935 days ....


  1. Now there is some Science I can believe in

  2. Not Nanos Nanos ?

  3. Now 100 % Hate her ???

  4. Hate her with A Passion. WHY Did PPL VOTE FOR her in the first place.
    How stupid or blind were / ARE Canadians. I always Thought Canadians had Brains. Seems only a % of " US " have A Brain in our head. We did NOT VOTE FOR her Or Justin Trudeau. They BOTH ARE DESTROYING CANADA AND CANADIANS. WE MUST Get THEM both Out !!!!!

    1. Less than 25% of the eligible voters in Ontario actually voted for her but most of that is filled with school teachers Public Works and Union Public Works people so no not everyone in Ontario clothing for her more than 75% of the eligible voters in the last election either didn't cast a vote or voted for somebody else

    2. My feelings exactly. Glad to see I'm not alone in my way of thinking. Good write up.

  5. Kathleen Wynne can be counted on always placing politics before people. She is shameful and power hungrey

  6. It would honestly bring a smile to my face if she was run over by a dump truck again and again!
